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Assignments can make you or break you during your university career. 


In this course, assignments are used as a feedback tool, between lecturers and learners. The comments provided in the assignments gave direction and suggestions to improving the overall protocol. 


I will share with you my marked assignments and feedback from my proposal presentation, in the view, that we can learn from one another. 


The following documents are available for download: 


Assignment 1: Protocol


Assignment 2: Protocol


Protocol Presentation



If you have any questions or comments please feel free to mention it at the bottom of this page 


Yours in protocol development,



Assignment 1

Assignment 1 required the first half of the protocol to be submitted. 


10 August 2016



I assumed that this assignment would be easy to do given my many years of experience in writing research proposals. However, this was not the case. They say that with more knowledge comes more responsibility. That is exactly what it felt like. I was no longer writing proposals on topical areas I was familiar with. I was writing for a new audience in a new paradigm regarding a new research topic and this presented itself as a challenge to me. 


Within my psychology paradigm I am familiar with the areas I publish within and can generally get away with making statements and not referencing. I failed to realise that I am not an expert in this medical field and everything that I said had to be referenced. As you can see in the attached Assignment 1 I was beat over the knuckles for my failure to reference...which I have learnt to do now. 




Using a database is so critical to the ease of writing. There are various options available which include Mendeley and Reference Manager, among others, most of which are free to download online. 


When reviewing the comments regarding the background of my protocol I learnt that I was not clear enough in my description of the issues I am trying to address. Again, this speaks to structuring your background in a clear and systematic way and ensuring that reader feels comfortable to move forward to the next page of your proposal. 




In hindsight I was planning a study that was a bit over the top for a Masters study and thankfully the lecturer pointed it out in the comments. We often try to change the world in one study, but keep reminding yourself that the purpose of your dissertation is to show that you can design, conduct and report on research. Once you start applying for grants and funding after you have graduated..perhaps you can design your ideal study :)




Although the within subject pre and post test design was my initial selection for the protocol the cohort design was the final selection as a better option. I also learnt to be more explicit in my explanation of research design and sample selection. 




When I think about the assignment and the comments that were provided I feel that I have learnt some critical things regarding protocol development, as I have mentioned above. I cannot wait to start working on my next assignment which means revising the first one and adding the last parts of the protocol. 

Assignment 2

Assignment 2 required us to submit the second half of the protocol. The brief was as follows: 



16 September 2016



The project team suggested the research topic for the 5 year project we working on and I simultaneously also used this title for the sub study I was using as my research project. Finding a title for your project is hard work as it needs to contain all the PICO elements within the title. The lecturer made some comments regarding the title and suggested a shortened version of it. 




Including the sample size calculation is important in a quantitative study. I assumed that I did not need the calculation as I would be including all stakeholders who participated in the intervention. However, this does not speak to the power of the study. As it was clearly pointed out to me it is unethical to conduct a study without an indication of the power of the study. This was a great learning for me in this assignment. 


It is important to not only show power calculations but also to explain in detail how people will be sampled into the study. 




Students are familiar with the data analysis section of the protocol and are often unsure which statistical test to use. This is usually the point where we contact our favourite statistician for a consultation. But how many of us remember to include a data management section? Usually we include some of this information in the ethics section. Remember to stipulate in your proposal how you will enter data, into which database, security considerations and who will have access to the data. 



It is not enough to identify the variables of interest and the moderating or intervening variables. In the statistical considerations section it is important to include significance levels, confidence intervals, confounders as well as the statistical programmes that will be used to analyse the data.




I had a long debate with the lecturer regarding the budget and time line as a more detailed budget was required and I felt that the budget I provided was sufficient. At the end of it all, the lecturer decides the grade and I have to remember that I am still learning. In the end I agreed with the lecturer :) It could have done with way more detail in terms of number of units and individual unit costs. The learning here is that an itemised budget is essential to the protocol. 

Protocol Presentation

Presentations took place after our session for the module and each student had 10-15 minutes to present.


10 October 2016



I have presented to large and small audiences for many years..and generally feel comfortable doing public why was I so nervous to do a 10 minute class presentation?


Probably because we were being graded...


Or maybe because people already had expectations of me to present well...


Or maybe I was just as nervous as I always am before I speak...



Yes, that's right! After speaking to thousands of people over the decade I still get nervous when I stand in front of an audience. We all do! 


I did well in general and have uploaded my presentation and the marking rubric for your to look at. 


Upon reflection it is evident to me that although I may have great presentation skills I do need to work on the content of the protocol so that I deliver a valid and evidence based presentation. 




1. It is completely normal to feel some nervousness before a presentation.


2. Try not to move around too much but do use your hands and face to communicate. 


3. Do not chew gum! I saw some folks do this and I was so distracted. 


4. Listen attentively when others present as you can learn from them. 


5. Presentations skills in combination with content knowledge are critical for a great presentation. 

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