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This page will provide you with more information regarding the sub-sections within the methodology section of your protocol. 


These sections include: 


Study Design

Sample Design and Size

Questionnaire Design

Data Analysis and Management

Budgeting and Timelines

Ethical Considerations


If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to mention it at the bottom of this page 


Yours in research design,



Study Design

July 20, 2016

Session Objectives
•   To provide a brief recap of the types of epidemiological study designs
•   Identify appropriate study designs for particular research questions
•   Be aware of the possible biases, advantages and disadvantages associated with each study design



This interactive session allowed us to have an idea of the different research designs with their respective advantages and disadvantages. These included:


Observational  Studies
Cohort Studies

Cross-Sectional Studies

Repeated Measures Studies

Case Control Studies

Experimental Studies

Randomised Controlled Trials

Quasi-Experimental Studies


The classes were split into groups by the design we selected from a hat. We were asked to think about the advantages and disadvantages of the design and then we presented it to the class. I felt confident after this session to select the appropriate design for my study. Additionally, it was a great refresher from the Introduction to Epidemiology module with regards to study designs.


Key Learnings

I have three key learnings from this session that I would like to share with you.


1. Your research question influences your study design


You have to choose a study design that fits your research question not the other way around. The study design will naturally flow from a carefully constructed research question. 


2. Your study design must be realistic and feasible


The most amazing study can be planned and designed, however if it is not feasible or realistic then it is not going to happen. Study designs must be suited to the finances, time and other resources available. 


3. You must consider the possible biases of your study design


Biases is a process which produces a conclusion that differs from the truth in a systematic manner. Once a study is biased, invalid results are inevitable. Biases could include: systematic bias, respondent bias, interviewer bias and selection bias to name but a few. These should be carefully considered when choosing a study design. 


Sample Design and Size

July 24, 2016

Session Objectives

  • To provide an overview of the different sampling techniques

  • To provide practical illustrations of the different sampling techniques

  • To highlight the factors considered in sample size calculations for the different study designs.


This interactive session allowed us to have an idea of the different sampling designs with their respective advantages and disadvantages.
Key Learnings
I have five key learnings from this session that I would like to share with you.
1. Your research question influences your sample selection

2. Your sample design must be realistic and feasible
3. You must consider the possible biases of your sample design


4. The power calculations must be present in your protocol


5. Detailed explanation regarding the sampling approach must be provided. 

Questionnaire Design

August 21, 2016

Session Objectives

  • To introduce students to the role of a good questionnaire in data collection. 

  • To introduce issues on designing and validating a questionnaire.


I enjoyed this session as I have experience in designing questionnaires and am always excited to learn more. It was important to review questionnaires that were poorly structured in order to facilitate learning. The types of questions asked and the answer format used have an influence on the type of data that will be collected in your study. Through this session I was able to critique and redesign questionnaires as well as describe the advantages and disadvantages of using different kinds of questionnaires. 
Key Learnings
I have five key learnings from this session that I would like to share with you.
1. Your research question influences the type of questionnaires you design. 


2. Available literature should be searched for existing questionnaires that are valid and reliable. 
3. Careful consideration should be given to the reliability of the measure as reported in the literature. 


4. When developing a questionnaire it is important to pilot the questionnaire and validate the tool. 


5. There is always room for improvement in a questionnaire. 

Data Analysis and Management

August 22, 2016

Session Objectives

  • To provide an overview of the different types of data and statistical analysis.

  • To provide information regarding a data analysis plan. 


When I reflected on this session I thought about my experience in data analysis and the integration of the new information that was presented. The session furthered my understanding of non-parametric tests as well as the formulation of a data analysis plan. Going forward, I will consider bias and the advantages and disadvantages of statistical tests and power calculations more than I have before. It was also great to learn how to use STATA as most of my data analysis skill lies with SPSS, which will serve me well in the future. 
Key Learnings
I have five key learnings from this session that I would like to share with you.
1. The data analysis plan is essential to all studies and deviation from the plan would require a protocol amendment. 


2. It is important to plan the analysis so that you can plan you data collection tools. 


3. It is important to match the objectives of your study with the analysis you are planning. 


4. Confounders and missing data should be considered as part of your data analysis plan.


5. Consult with a statistician when it is required. 

Budgeting and Timelines

August 31, 2016

Session Objectives

  • To provide an overview of budget considerations.

  • To provide examples of budget items and templates


This was a new learning for me as I have experience in managing budgets but not formulating them. I learnt how to itemise budgets as well as the types of items that should be included in a budget. I struggled a bit initially as you will see when you review my protocols but I have integrated this new learning into my every day work.
Key Learnings
I have five key learnings from this session that I would like to share with you.
1. Ensure a link between all segments of the protocol and the budget.


2. Motivate expenses appropriately. 


3. Be realistic and feasible. The outcome should be worth the money spent. 


4. Be aware of funding resources. 


5. Provide a detailed itemised budget. 

Ethical Considerations

September 12, 2016

Session Objectives

  • To provide a brief historical perspective of the development of research ethics

  • To provide a an introduction to the benchmarks for ethical research

  • To highlight the ethical requirement to disseminate research results

  • To provide an overview of the research regulatory environment governing South African research.

  • To provide information on the research ethics processes in the Faculty


This was one of my favourite sessions as I have a keen interest in ethics and research. It was interesting to learn about the history of ethics as well as how decisions are made my the Ethics Committees.


I highly valued the learnings on the 8 benchmarks for ethical clinical research which include:


  • Community Participation

  • Social value

  • Scientific validity

  • Fair selection of participants

  • Favorable risk / benefit ratio

  • Independent review

  • Adequate informed consent

  • Ongoing respect for dignity

Key Learnings
I have two key learnings from this session that I would like to share with you.
1. The role of ethics in research is to protect participants from harm and to promote their welfare and good science. 


2. Ethics must be applied within the scientific as well as legal framework.

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